Friday, November 7, 2014

Am I home yet?

Home is warm
Home is tight
Home the heart beat I hear
Home is the little sounds
Home is comforting
Home is loving
Home is nurturing
Home is positive
Home is trustworthy
Home is loving
Home is unconditional 
Home is a blessing
Home is joy
Home is kind
Home is caring
Home is open minded
Home is accepting
Home is my mom
My mom is my home
She makes it home
Home isn't a place to me its my mom
Home is when I lay on her and hear her heart beat
Home is when I smell her freshly baked cookies
Home is sneaking into my moms bed to talk
Home is when she is playing with my hair while I'm dozing off
Home is hearing her laugh with my siblings
Home is craziness
Home is a free spirit
Home Is independent
Home is always there for me
Home has always been there for me
Home is far away from me now
But soon ill be home
Soon ill see my best friend
my mom and my home.

My mom was home when I had noonelse
My mom was my home when I needed her
I always need a home
My physical home has been broken
My heart has been broken
But at home I am complete
Home is somewhere else
Home is where I wish I was
Home is what I miss the most
Home is far
Home isn't home without my mom
My mom lives across the country but when I see her I will be at home
I will be at home in her presence 

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