Saturday, November 1, 2014


Alyssa pronounced uh-LIH-suh
Thats how I like it and thats whats proper right?
alot of people get it wrong
My parents say it wrong to me they say it
more like uh-lee-siii-uhhh
if they wanted to name me that they should of spelled it
differently maybe more like Alissia or Elisa I don't know
Alyssa happens to be a popular name
actually it was the most common name of 1995
and of course that's the year I was coming into this world

I discovered other Alyssas starting in preschool
And throughout elementary school there was other Alyssas
I was always labeled Alyssa M.
I hated that
for six years !
Then I met my best friend...
also an Alyssa
We became " THE ALYSSAs
  My name follows me
THE ALYSSAs happened to cheer together
be and her are always together
our names became our title as friends

I have a love hate relationship with my name
I love why I have my name:
My great grandma Elissia"Alice" Gomez
My parents tried to combine the names
It was a good gesture and they thought it would be different
They thought wrong....but its okay

The name Alyssa comes from alyssum which is a flower
When you think about it, its nice to say
Yeah my name comes from a flower.
Flowers to me represent beauty
I like that
I hope I reflect beauty inside and out just like the flower

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